Course Title:

Construction Contract and Tendering - Preparation, Submittal, Analysis and Award – Certified Program

Course ID:

300924 0101 439PRA

Course Dates :




Course Duration :


Course Location:


United Kingdom

Course Fees GBP £ :

Primary Price


VAT may vary depending on the country where the course or workshop is held

Course Fees USD $:

Advisory Price


VAT may vary depending on the country where the course or workshop is held

Course Category:

Professional and CPD Training Programs

Construction Management, Contract, Tendering, Budgeting, Estimating

Course Certified By:

* Professional Training and CPD Programs
Leading to : Executive Diploma Certificate
Leading to : Executive Mini Masters Certificate
Leading to : Executive Masters Certificate

* LondonUni - Executive Management Training
* Others

United Kingdom

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

Course Information


Contracting today demands a highly-skilled and professional approach. This holds true for design, construction, manufacturing and management service contracts in support of major projects where the technical complexities and commercial risks call for special expertise to create and control appropriate contractual relationships.

The adoption of the right contract strategy to fit the circumstances has a vital role in ensuring the success of the project. Deciding who is best suited to conduct the various parts of the work, and negotiating appropriate contract terms and conditions are important elements of that strategy.

This course is designed to teach the practical techniques and skills involved in contract tendering and awarding which are important contracting processes.


The aim of the course is to provide comprehensive instruction on key issues which public and private sector contracting authorities and contractors need to focus their attention, from early planning to contract tendering and awarding under the applicable Civil Law.

The issues considered in the planning stage include the definition of objectives, analysis of risks and likely costs, possible contract structures and types of pricing, technical and financial evaluation of potential contractors, invitations to tender, important contract terms and conditions, preparation and submission of bids, evaluation of bids, and contract negotiation and award.

Who Should Attend?

This program has been designed to suit all participants in construction management, for example:
• Engineers working in technical offices in contracting companies.
• Project Managers.
• Planning and Programming Engineers.
• Executive Managers.
• Equipment managers.

Training Method

• Pre-assessment
• Live group instruction
• Use of real-world examples, case studies and exercises
• Interactive participation and discussion
• Power point presentation, LCD and flip chart
• Group activities and tests
• Each participant receives a 7” Tablet containing a copy of the presentation, slides and handouts
• Post-assessment

Program Support

This program is supported by:
* Interactive discussions
* Role-play
* Case studies and highlight the techniques available to the participants.

Daily Agenda

The course agenda will be as follows:
• Technical Session 08.30-10.00 am
• Coffee Break 10.00-10.15 am
• Technical Session 10.15-12.15 noon
• Coffee Break 12.15-12.45 pm
• Technical Session 12.45-02.30 pm
• Course Ends 02.30 pm

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

Course Outlines

Week 1

Day One

1. Introduction:
• Characteristics of the construction industry.
• Importance of tendering in the construction industry.
• Current tendering systems.

2. The Applicable Civil Law & its Impact on the Tendering Process.

Day Two

3. General Introduction to Contracting:
• The Life Cycle of Projects.
• Construction Risks: Consultants, Clients, Contractors, Sub-Contractors.
• Contractual Relationships.
• The Parties’ Obligations.
• Case Study.

Day Three

4. Selecting Contracting Strategies, Procurement Methods and the Impact on Disputes during the Project:
• Standard Forms.
• Stipulated Price Contracts.
• Unit Price Contracts.
• Cost Plus A Fee Contracts.
• Design-Build Contracts.
• Construction Management Contracts.
• Selecting an Appropriate Form of Procurement to Achieve Project Objectives.
• Designing a Dispute Resolution System.
• Case Study.

Day Four

5. General Aspects of Tendering and Bidding:
• Advertisements for Bids on Public Works Projects.
• Advertisements for Bids in the Private Sector.
• Pre-Qualification.
• Value Engineering.
• Constructability Review.
• The Decision to Bid.
• Plan Deposit.
• The Bidding (Estimating) Period.
• Accuracy of the Bidding Information.
• Instructions to Bidders.
• Addendum.
• The Bid Form.
• Modification and Withdrawal of Bids.
• The Award.
• Mistakes in Bids.

Day Five

6. Tender Deliverables:
• Tender Letter.
• Tender Appendix.
• Bid Bond.
• Technical Offer & List of Manufacturers.
• Preliminary Construction Program.
• Labor Histogram.
• Method Statement.
• Priced Bill of Quantities.
• Legal Documents.

7. Tender Analysis & Award:
• Opening of Tenders (Public vs. Closed Session).
• Technical Evaluation.
• Financial Evaluation.
• Short-Listing & Second Round Sessions.
• Determination of Successful Tendered.
• Tender Selection and Awarding.
• Owner’s Responsibilities During Project Delivery.
• Case Study.
• Conclusion.

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

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